About a Feminist Collective…

Nasawiyas apply feminist analysis to their social justice work, meaning that they always have an eye on gender dynamics and oppression within social and political struggle, address the systematic structural problems rather than the symptoms, and place women’s experiences and voices as central to any solutions and activist work. Feminism is a learning process for all of us and we are … Continue reading

Raising Fists and Voices: Lebanese Women’s Struggle to End Violence

<!–[if !mso]>st1\:*{behavior:url(#ieooui) } <![endif]–>  “I don’t believe in a country that turns rapists into suitable husbands”. Those were the kind of banners you could have seen being held by activists should you have walked on the streets of Beirut on January the 14th during the March to Fight Rape organized by Lebanese feminist collective Nasawiya. … Continue reading

Girl Geek Camp Lebanon: Turning Women into Geekettes, one Tweet at a time

13 faces eagerly looking at you from behind their computers, all composed and serious. Welcome to the Nasawiya second Girl Geek Camp organised in the lovely Auberge Beity of Kfardebian, Lebanon from the 4th to the 8thof September. Over 5 days, about thirteen teenage girls between the age of 15 and 18 will be trained … Continue reading

Women and Sexual Harassment: Reclaiming Our Spaces

When I started working in a big international organisation, I had my head filled with dreams and ideals, eager to partake in the global effort for human rights and humanitaran relief. Right, that was before the director two offices from mine started talking to my boobs. The worst part of this anecdote was that I … Continue reading