On Women, Work and Maternity

An acquaintance of mine got fired when her employer learned she was pregnant. The fact that is contrary to the law of the country she resides in was circumvented by some clever talk about budget and funds. This woman was fired in an organisation you wouldn’t suspect to practice such policies. Not in a million … Continue reading

About a Feminist Collective…

Nasawiyas apply feminist analysis to their social justice work, meaning that they always have an eye on gender dynamics and oppression within social and political struggle, address the systematic structural problems rather than the symptoms, and place women’s experiences and voices as central to any solutions and activist work. Feminism is a learning process for all of us and we are … Continue reading

PA’s dependency on external actors, neo liberal policies and corruption (part II)

As we have seen in the first article (The Oslo predicament and the PA’s failure, collaboration and repression…https://cafethawrarevolution.wordpress.com/2012/07/13/the-oslo-predicament-and-the-pas-failure-collaboration-and-repression/) the Oslo Agreement and Paris Protocol were designed in order to maintain the Palestinian economy just as before fully incorporated into and dependent upon the Israeli economy. In 2002 nearly a decade after the conclusion of the … Continue reading

The Oslo predicament and the PA’s failure, collaboration and repression… (Part I)

At the end of June, the EU and US-trained Palestinian Authority (PA) police, the mukhabarat and un-uniformed thugs attack on two consecutive days Palestinians protesting against the invitation of Israeli war criminal Shaul Mofaz to Ramallah. Mofaz was Chief-of-Staff of the IOF from 1998 until 2003, and then Israeli Defence Minister from 2003 until 2006, making … Continue reading

غزة تحت الحصار

:نشر في الثورة الدائمة، العدد ٢ – ربيع٢٠١٢  http://prjournal.socialist-forum.org/node/35‫ هذا المقال، أدناه، المبني على المشاهدة العينية، كتبه الرفيق جوزيف ضاهر لمجلة «الثورة الدائمة»، بعد زيارة للقطاع دامت أكثر من شهر بقليل، في وقت سابق من هذا العام، في معرض إعداد دراسة أكاديمية عن الحركات الإسلامية، في لبنان وفلسطين. أدى العدوان الإسرائيلي في آذار الماضي إلى … Continue reading

Gaza under the siege

article published following an extended visit in February in Gaza for a month. An Arabic version is available in the newspaper “Thawra Dai’ma”  number 2:   http://prjournal.socialist-forum.org/content/gaza-under-seige The last Israeli military offensive in March causing the deaths of more than 20 Palestinians and the ongoing electricity crisis prove that the Gaza strip is still not free from … Continue reading