Plastic Capitalist

Capitalism and neoliberal ideologies just can’t help it: they love progressive ideologies so much they can’t help but recuperate them, tailor them to their needs and market them as their own, the result of course being a completely distorted set of values and principles that go mainstream faster than you can say “dollar”. Feminism is … Continue reading

Girl Geek Camp Lebanon: Turning Women into Geekettes, one Tweet at a time

13 faces eagerly looking at you from behind their computers, all composed and serious. Welcome to the Nasawiya second Girl Geek Camp organised in the lovely Auberge Beity of Kfardebian, Lebanon from the 4th to the 8thof September. Over 5 days, about thirteen teenage girls between the age of 15 and 18 will be trained … Continue reading

UN Women vs WE, the Women

In July 2010, The United Nations general Assembly created UN Women, a United Nations agency aiming at Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment. UN Women has been created after an important mobilisation of various organisations to have a UN Agency dedicated to the advancement of women’s rights (gathered under the umbrella of the GEAR Campaign), rather … Continue reading

The role of women’s organizations and other NGOs in highlighting citizenship’s and women’s rights in Palestine

Women’s organization in relation to Palestinian history have played two very important roles, on one side struggling for the rights of the Palestinian people on the national scene and one the other side advocating for women’s rights on the social arena, especially since the establishment of the Palestinian Authority with the Oslo agreement. Both struggles … Continue reading

Citizenship and Gender in the Arab World, The role of women’s organizations and other NGOs in highlighting citizenship’s and women’s rights, the Case of Lebanon

Lebanon. A country full of contradictions, where women’s movements were very active since the beginning of the 20th century in areas going from education to culture and politics, but it was not until 1953 that all Lebanese women received the right to vote and run in elections as candidates. This achievement did not result in … Continue reading

Citizenship and Gender in the Arab World, The role of women’s organizations and other NGOs in highlighting citizenship’s and women’s rights, the Case of Syria

In the Middle East, people suffer from many issues which we can divide in two main items: foreign occupation and interventions on one side and on the other side the lack of democracy. External actors and countries have indeed played for quite a long time now a negative role in the region. This is undeniable, … Continue reading