Women in Revolutions : Paving the Future

We have seen their pictures, we have seen them shout and demand and support and lead the popular movements that have arisen throughout the Middle East : middle eastern women have utterly and truly proven that they were a force of the revolution. Though they have endorsed many roles within the group of demonstrators, it is … Continue reading

Western imperialism complicit in the repression of the people: Guns for the dictators!

Most of the authoritarian regimes in the Arab world not only have a warm relationship with Western governments, they are also good friends with arms manufacturers and oil firms. Muammar Gaddafi’s regime became a close political and economic client of Western governments in 2003, when he agreed to stop producing of weapons of mass destruction … Continue reading

The domino effect or the unstoppable Arab Revolution!

Popular uprisings in the Arab world are continuing to spread to other authoritarian and corrupt regimes with unstoppable ferocity and determination. Following the resignation of Tunisia’s Ben Ali and Egypt’s Mubarak, we are witnessing the domino effect with such clarity, that every dictatorship in the region is now shaking with fear of popular movements. But … Continue reading

The Egyptian Revolution spread to the Middle East

In the same way the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia strengthened the movement of protest in Egypt, the events from Cairo are encouraging people of the region, from Algeria to Bahrain to Yemen, to start or continue their struggle against their own authoritarian regime. Since the resignation of Mubarak last Friday night, power has been handed … Continue reading

Call for solidarity from Bahrain’s Democratic Progressive Forum

Dear comrades and comrades,  Security forces raided at dawn today the Pear square, the center of protests in the Bahraini capital Manama, and used all means of force, including exploding bullets, to disperse the protestors and to seize of the square. This led to the deaths of at least 5 people and injuring hundreds of others. They … Continue reading

Speech at Global Day of action – Egypt, the wider Middle East & North Africa

Dear Comrades, Brothers and Sisters We are gathered here today firstly to salute the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions and other uprisings in the region from Jordan to Yemen, with a special thought today as well for the day of changing the system in Algeria. People of the Arab world have risen to denounce their corrupted … Continue reading

The pharao is down! First victory of the Revolution!

Vice President Omar Suleiman announced Friday in a televised address that Hosni Mubarak was stepping down, and had handed over authority to the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces. Powers have been transferred to the army following a wave of mobilisation over the past 18 days, millions of people demanding the overthrow not only of … Continue reading

The Revolution must go on!

In Egypt, the regime has tried different means to put an end to the protest movement since last Friday, which saw millions gathering throughout the country. Mubarak is alternating between concessions and repression to end the popular movement, but without using violence openly. The army tried to clear Tahrir Square on Sunday but was stopped … Continue reading

The people want to overthrow the regime!

This is the slogan of the Egyptian people, a chant echoed by other popular movements in the region. Not so-called ‘peaceful transitions’ or ‘reforms’, as announced by Mubarak and other authoritarian regimes supported by western imperialism. The revolutionary movements in these countries are not ready to step down from pushing their demands, in favour of … Continue reading


Sadly, not the delicious kind.  While the Arab world is shaken by an uprising against dictatorships and economic inequalities, Lebanon is shaken by a -now -common- internal political turmoil.  The crisis had been brewing up ever since the creation of the International Tribunal for Lebanon, an institution whose legitimacy has been (rightly so) severely questionned, … Continue reading